Frequently Asked Questions

The TTVA is committed to supporting its members in providing high quality veterinary services locally. We also seek to increase the public’s awareness of the wide range of services offered by our members.

After graduating, how do I register with the Trinidad and Tobago Veterinary Board?

You would need the following documents.

  1. Letter to practice Veterinary Medicine to be sent to the current Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) –
    Animal Production and Health Division
    Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries
    80 Abercromby Street
    Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
    Tel. (868) 625-5997/1473
    Fax. (868) 625-5993
    E-mail:  aphmalmr@gmail.com
    Opening hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.Please include the following information – Full name, Fax, Mobile number, home number, work number, home address, email address
  2. Copy of ID or passport with BIR number (Need a BIR number?- Click here Businesses (ttconnect.gov.tt)
  3. Letter from dean stating completion of Degree if degree has not been issued yet as this is usually provided in November
  4. Payment made of $50 to cashier located at Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries once letter has been approved
  5. Collect Registration Certificate once contacted- Provide original and copy of degree to complete their files

What is the difference between the Trinidad and Tobago Registration Board and TTVA?

The Trinidad and Tobago Registration Board consists of the Technical Officer (Animal health) who is ex officio chairman of the Board and two persons eligible to be registered under section 7 (a) or (b) of the Constitution Act, Chapter 67:04 to be appointed from time to time by the Minister. This Board also registers new graduates after completing their degree.

The Trinidad and Tobago Veterinary Association is a group of veterinarians which represents the interests of veterinarians in Trinidad and Tobago and seeks to uphold their standards. It comprises of a President. Immediate-Past President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations Officer/ Assistant Secretary and an Ordinary Member elected by the Veterinary Community

How do I become a member of the TTVA?

You can read about the benefits of joining TTVA and find our membership application form here. Email your completed form to ttva2008@gmail.com

If I am unhappy with my vet’s performance/service. What can I do?

You can submit a complaint by completing the form here. Email your filed form to ttva2008@gmail.com

If I am concerned that an animal is being abused what can I do?

You can find the various avenues for reporting animal abuse & cruelty here

Where can I get information on traveling with my pet?

Each country will have their various regulations concerning travelling with pets. Click here to view some guidelines imposed by certain countries.

How many years does it take to become a Veterinary Surgeon?

The Veterinary Medicine field of study takes five (5) years at the University of the West Indies.

I am interested in becoming a vet. Where can I get more information on this?

Please review the following entry requirements for the University of the West Indies, School of Veterinary Medicine in Trinidad and Tobago.

Entry Requirements

How do I find a Vet for my pet or choose a practice?

This feature is available on our website.

You can look up a Veterinary Surgeon by his/her name here.


You can browse our Clinic listing here

Where can I get more information on practicing in the US, UK or Canada?

I am considered a Foreign Veterinary graduate. I wish to work as a veterinarian in the United States. How can I acquire a veterinary license to practice?

Answer- A graduate of a non-accredited veterinary school is require successful completion of an educational equivalency assessment certification program—the ECFVG – Steps of the ECFVG Certification Program | American Veterinary Medical Association (avma.org)

FAQ.pdf (avma.org)

I am a Foreign Veterinary graduate. I wish to work as a veterinarian in Canada. How can I acquire a Veterinary license to practice?

Answer: A graduate of a non-accredited veterinary school is required to complete all 3 parts of the National Examining Board (NEB) examination sequence in order to receive a Certificate of Qualification (CQ).  A CQ is a prerequisite to apply for a license from any of the 10 provincial Veterinary licensing boards in Canada.

The NEB Examination Process – NEB Candidate Information – CVMA-ACMV Wiki


I am a Foreign Veterinary graduate. I wish to work as a veterinarian in England. How can I acquire a veterinary license to practice?

  • Email rcvsexam@rcvs.org.uk and request information regarding applying for the examination. Deadline for declaration of intention to sit is required by the 31st January in the year that you wish to sit the exam. The examination entry closing date is the 14th The written examinations are normally held in April/May and the OSCE is held late June/early July.
  • Note: A letter of good standing is required from the TTVA during the registration process